Nightmare Has Come

The questioning continued.

The next person who stepped forward was from Balance Flame Middle School.

"My name is Zhong Yunyi and I'm from Balance Flame Middle School… When I went out to go to the bathroom, I found this guy lying here, and it seemed that he had been hit by the Star Fire Spell. I had no idea who wanted to frame us, but after I went back and discussed it with my senior brother, we still decided to strike him."

Staring at Zhong Yunyi, Gu Shunzhi said, "Go on."

Classmate Zhong Yunyi confessed the truth. "While the Star Fire Spell can burn up the wood shavings, it can't cause fatal injuries. So, we quickly calculated the principle behind North Punch High School's Wick-Piercing Fist, and we punched Zhu Hanyun in the stomach."

Everyone was horrified. "…"

Nan Yixiu, who had been the first to confess, never expected each of the other guys after him to be more vicious than the next… To dare go that far…