Wang Ling’s New Fan

When you had power that was too strong for you to control, you couldn't help but shiver and feel afraid – Wang Ling had experienced this feeling countless times as a child.

He would jerk awake on dark nights, afraid that he would do something terrible when he was asleep.

After all, destroying the world would've been a piece of cake for Wang Ling back before the Dao talisman seal was officially developed. But even the Dao talisman seal didn't mean true freedom for Wang Ling – his power was constantly growing, and would one day surpass what the Dao talisman seal could take.

Wang Ling didn't say anything, but the moment his palm landed lightly and comfortingly on Xia Ming's shoulder, their minds became connected.

Xia Ming felt like he saw the whole of Wang Ling's life in a few short seconds.

His tears couldn't help pouring out at the sense of loneliness that came with being invincible.