Chapter 1,276. The pigeon had finally been updated! (1/4)

To enter the unspeakable place, one had to guess what kind of Restriction Daofather Wang had set up.

According to the Golden Lamp’s experience of reincarnation, the monk had eliminated many wrong choices in his infinite time.

But unfortunately, he still hadn’t found the correct answer.

“In 2908, this penniless monk guessed that the dao ancestor’s restriction might not allow people to enter the forbidden area by flying, so he chose the nearest position and kept doing backflips in an attempt to flip into an unspeakable place... In the end, he failed.”


“In 2909, this penniless monk guessed that the dao ancestor’s restriction might not allow people with single eyelids to enter, so this penniless monk poured power into his fingernails and personally cut off his double eyelids. In the end, he still failed...”

“Master, I think we don’t need to talk about the experience of failure.”

Grenade-throwing senior immortal tried his best to keep a smile on his face.