Chapter 1,306, Little Wang Ling (thanks to “SimpleToo”for joining the Alliance, 8/16)


A basin of cold water splashed on Zhao Qingxian’s body.

He woke up from his coma and felt an incomparable pain in his skull.

The cold water seeped into his wound, causing Zhao Qingxian to Grimace in pain as he cried out in alarm.

Zhao Qingxian snapped out of his daze and realized that he was handcuffed.

The two police officers in charge of interrogating him were facing him.

The situation didn’t seem right..

He remembered that he had lost consciousness during the process of teleportation after he was connected to the teleportation array in the divine realm... this might be the “Carsick”phenomenon caused by the teleportation speed being too fast.

But the problem was, how did he get all these injuries

And why did he appear in this police station?

Zhao Qingxian could not understand these things at all.

“This is earth, right...”Zhao Qingxian stared at the two police officers in front of him and asked with a serious expression.