Chapter 1,408, Miss Sun had insomnia! (thanks to “Ye Fanqi”, 1/104)

The king of Sword Spirits had come down personally! It had shocked the entire sword King realm!

This was something that all sword spirits would not have thought of.

“A newly born little sword spirit was actually chosen by the sword king to become his disciple...”

Countless sword spirits in the god of Swords Square were dumbstruck.

Their emotions were fluctuating, and they knew that they might be witnessing history!

“Has the sword king ever taken in a disciple?”

“No... this little sword spirit called Leng Ming is the first!”

“He actually took in a disciple in public, my youth is over!”

Many sword spirits exclaimed on the spot. As a newly born little sword spirit, Leng Ming was chosen by the Sword Spirit King with extremely high aptitude and was taken in as a disciple..

Perhaps electric roar was right. Carter, endless, and the others were unable to protect Leng Ming’s safety.

There would come a time when they would not be by Leng Ming’s side.