Chapter 1,441, grandfather Sun’s reasoning (1/112)

Everything was ready. Lotus Sun’s next task that night was naturally to pick out a set of decent clothes suitable for a weekend trip.

Sun Ying ‘er saw that there were already quite a few styles in the girl’s wardrobe, many of which were limited edition models created by famous designers. She was somewhat puzzled by Lotus Sun’s actions of scrolling through the mall in the middle of the night to pick out clothes.

Now, Sun Ying ‘er finally understood why every time the characters in the game came up with a good-looking new skin, a group of people would sell everything they had to get their hands on the skin.

As expected, inspiration came from life.

The benefits of implanting the skin function in the game were indeed huge.

The game company might have only spent a few thousand dollars to design a skin, but after it was put on the shelves and priced at five dollars, it could be sold for hundreds of millions of copies..