Chapter 1,540, danger for Zheng (1/104)

Wang Ling watched as Zheng left with Peng Xiren.

Peng Xiren was about 1.85 meters tall, and was easily lifted by Zheng’s arm..

Even a soul had weight.

Although Peng Xiren’s cultivation wasn’t as high as Wang Ling’s, his soul was still very heavy.

Zheng lifted him like a chicken, and Zheng himself was more like a hen protecting a chicken.

Wang Ling couldn’t help falling into deep thought at the scene in front of him.

He couldn’t help sighing in his heart at this intense feeling of familiarity.

This fight with Zheng could be considered an accident.

At the same time, Wang Ling was also very surprised that he had so easily obtained the black stone in his heart.

Although the process was full of twists and turns, at least the outcome was within his expectations.

Wang Ling opened the black box in his hand and stared at the pitch-black heaven mixed stone inside. The chaotic Qi inside was turbulent and extremely powerful.