Chapter 1,601, Concerned Citizen Lee Hyun (1/97)

Lee Hyun of course knew that the impact of a meteorite landing on Earth would be enormous.

So in order to avoid harming other innocent people, he needed to do precise calculations.

In addition to choosing a meteorite of the right size from the vast universe, he also needed to calculate the trajectory, the point of impact, and the frictional force that the meteorite would bear upon entering the atmosphere.

Only by doing all these could he ensure that the meteorite would have the right amount of friction before it broke out of the atmosphere and fell down.

Of course, Li Xian also had double insurance for this.

He set up a barrier with a radius of twenty meters around the gate of the nine temples’mansion.

The meteorite that would fall down later would fall precisely into the center of the barrier.

And the explosive impact force would be blocked by the barrier.