Chapter 1,654, observing in secret (1/92)

When the blank feeling in his mind surged up, the Black Dragon felt that a small light spot had suddenly appeared in the endless dark world in the depths of his heart. It was as if something was about to awaken from his body, causing him a splitting headache.

Almost instantly, the pain of his brain being torn apart caused him to hold his head in pain and roll on the ground, roaring non-stop.

On the spectator stand, the black dragon’s abnormal reaction caused the silent scene to become boiling again.

No one knew what had happened. They only saw the black dragon holding his head and his four limbs twitching like maggots.

“Black Dragon! Stand Up for me! Do you know how much money I spent!”Zhu Yuanrun roared. He stood below the stage and cursed.

However, at this moment, the black dragon couldn’t hear anything else.

He only had one question, and that was to know who he was..

Why did he appear in this world.