Chapter 1,723, miracle of Medicine (1/92)

In fact, although meeting Shouchong here was a little out of Wang Ming’s expectations, it could also be said to be reasonable. In order to reactivate the Divine Brain, forefather heartless had deliberately transferred Shouchong’s will and devoured it.

In other words, in fact, a small part of forefather heartless’s mental space belonged to Shouchong’s own will.

Now that forefather heartless had invaded his mind, it was only natural that he had brought shouchong along.

“How is it? Can you still hold on?”Wang Ming crouched down and checked Shouchong’s pulse.

He looked extremely weak, his face pale, and even his body was so skinny that it was almost skin and bones. It was hard for Wang Ming to imagine how he had managed to survive these days.

Shouchong raised his tired eyes and stared at the man standing next to him. He lowered his voice. “I... I’m so hungry...”