Chapter 1,802, Wang Ling’s signature (1/91)

After chatting for about ten minutes or so, Pei Xiaoyuan left. He left under the comforting voices of the people from No. 60 high school, even though he himself didn’t realize what had happened.

After receiving the message to go back and wait for instructions, Super Chen gave Pei Xiaoyuan another signature from the head of the Grey cult, and he was so happy that he almost fainted.

In fact, this autograph had been signed by Wang Ling and had nothing to do with Lotus Sun or Super Chen.

“Why are you looking at me, Lingzi? Think about it, boss Lotus Sun was in her room just now; how could she have come out to sign it? Otherwise, she would have been exposed. You secretly signed one that she had given you at that time; this plan is simply perfect.”