Chapter 1,855, Soul Exchange across the ages (3)(1/92)

In her stupor, Lotus Sun woke up. Her mind was clear, and she could still remember what had just happened.

That’s right..

In order to save her, they connected to Zhang Zicao’s body like the gourd baby had saved her grandfather.

Then, in the blink of an eye, her body began to twitch as if she had been electrocuted. Under the rolling of a mysterious force, her soul was squeezed out of her body and sucked into a mysterious whirlpool.

At that moment, when Lotus Sun woke up, she felt that her body was wrapped in bandages, and she was lying in a place that was filled with light.

Boundless light shone in from the huge French windows around her and sprinkled down on the bedside. The vermilion gauze curtain moved with the wind, and there was a vermilion bird mark on it.

Lotus sun immediately realized that she had entered an unknown place. Just as monk Golden Lamp had said in the beginning, they had probably fallen into the world outlined in the mysterious text together..