Chapter 1,938: I will not live under the same sky as Sin! (1/92)

In the early hours of Wednesday, January 15th, as the world-famous city that never sleeps, Songhai city’s brightly lit streets were accompanied by the deep sound of the Horn of the Hong Meng, it added a bit of noise to the brilliant night sky.

This was the first time since the last time the foundation organized a sneak attack on the war sect that the disciples of the war sect carried out a large-scale battle plan under the guidance of the official command center.

The disciples of the war sect, who were wearing the uniform of the Light Blue War sect, immediately took out their spirit swords in unison, stepped on the spirit swords, and rode on the swords in the city, they began to return to the sect.

Their movements were in unison, and they had undergone the most rigorous training under the unified guidance of the war sect.