Chapter 2065, Wuji Sword Principle, water pierces stone (1/86)

The human heart was sinister, and it was impossible to guard against it. After being tricked twice, Wang Muyu had completely given up on resisting.

The inner world of an adult was too complicated. Couldn’t he have less tricks..

Although he had been accepted as a disciple by Yi Jianchuan’s “Tricks”, in reality, it was mainly because the sword Saint Grandpa in front of him was not as bad as he had imagined.

It was the first time they had met today, and they had only known each other for less than two hours in total. Wang Muyu could only sense a trace of tranquility from this person. It was a kind of tranquility that cast everything aside without any clutter.

It wasn’t until this moment that Wang Muyu finally understood why Wang Ling had arranged for him to be at a realm whose combat strength was inferior to his master’s.

What Wang Ling wanted him to cultivate wasn’t a realm or combat strength, but a state of mind.