Chapter 2,153, director Wang’s performance (3)(1/86)

This was an outcome that no one had expected. It was beyond the expectations of every player here. They had imagined that the damage dealt by Xiong Wu’s sword would definitely be in the millions, or at the very least in the hundreds of thousands.

Although it wasn’t as if they hadn’t thought that this sword would only hit an absurd number of digits, it was a little hard to accept that it had missed.

When a capital Miss appeared in front of everyone’s eyes, and with a very cheeky leap, it slowly disappeared above Wang Ling’s head, everyone present sucked in a breath of cold air.

No one had expected this outcome. The purple Miss text was right above Wang Ling’s head, but it was as dazzling as a sun.

However, an even more astonishing scene happened soon after. After Xiong Wu’s sword attack, this “General of floating cloud town”shot out rays of golden light from all over his body, piercing through the air like a bright sun.