Chapter 2,167: high-end elixirs will not melt! (1/86)

The chances of creating top-grade special elixirs by refining elixirs using natural conditions would also be greatly increased. However, due to environmental protection and other considerations under modern conditions, the volcanic vents of the major cultivation countries were under close surveillance.

Active volcanoes were the state-owned property of the major cultivation countries.

Therefore, it was very difficult to refine pills through active volcanic vents in the context of modern cultivation society.

Moreover, because of the great danger of refining pills through volcanoes, using active volcanoes to refine pills in modern cultivation methods was also strictly prohibited.

Because the formation of a special pill was likely to trigger a greater natural thunder tribulation, the Thunder Tribulation would pour into the crater of the volcano and directly become the fuse that detonated the volcano, resulting in irreversible damage.