After Five Days

When both of them arrived at the place on the beach where the things were lost, the 'rose' unexpectedly held the white eagle, and let it smell him like a dog. Then, she raised her hands, and the white eagle screeched, flapped its wings and left.

Chen Fan squatted on the ground and said with worry in his voice. "Are you sure you don't have a dog as a pet, instead of a gyrfalcon?"

The 'rose' ceaselessly played the jade flute, and said in a confident tone like an indestructible iron hammer, "The vultures can smell the despair of dead animals a few kilometers away, and my gyrfalcon, which is like an emperor, has no reason to be weaker than a vulture!"

Sigh... Chen Fan sighed softly. Even if he was to rack his brain, he just couldn't imagine that an eagle could play the role of the police dog.

A minute later, the white eagle came back and hovered over their heads.

The 'rose' asked Chen Fan to follow her. "It has found the things!"