The Brazen Electric Eel

Logically, the electric eel could easily electrocute a three-meter-long spotted sea snake to death. However, Chen Fan did not dare to release any current, simply because his own body was sunbathing on the water above! If Chen Fan accidentally electrocuted his own body while killing the snake, he would probably be so angry that he would end up killing all the snakes in the ocean.

Since the aggressive method of releasing discharge couldn't be used, the electric eel could only go after the sea snake like an elephant chasing a mouse. The sea snake which was holding the white crystal in its mouth had probably discovered that there was an ancestor-like sea creature chasing it from behind. The speed at which its body was moving was sure to make marine biologists take out their magnifying glasses to review this species again to see if it was evolving to be like a rattlesnake. Otherwise, how could it move at such a high rate of speed?