Ready To Salvage The Treasure

"We left the weapons in the car and only brought expandable batons!" Junzi looked at the seventeen or eighteen men as they got out of the cars, all holding identical kukris in their hands. He said to Ma Rongtao, "Boss, this group of people are likely targeting us. Let the three of us deal with them. You stay on the side." 

"Um." Ma Rongtao nodded before turning to Chen Fan and Zhang Xueyang. "Let's go inside the bar first and leave this to the bodyguards!"

"It's time to put you to the test!" Chen Fan patted Wang Bing's shoulder.

"What...what do you want, can't...fight here…" The bellboy wearing a red hat trembled as he walked forward and said to this group of people who were obviously up to no good. This was a group of youngsters with 'insolence', 'arrogance' and 'tyranny' written all over their faces. They looked as if their hands were not holding kukris but ancient artifacts, making little of everyone around them.