Become A Millionaire

"Imperial edict, my God! Imperial yellow robe, my God!" Chen Fan pulled his hair and felt like crying. "If I air-dry it, frame it up and place it in the cabinet, wouldn't my status shoot up to that of an aristocrat?"

However, it was all too late. The imperial yellow robe had become a rag, and the imperial edict had broken into two. Even if it was glued back together, people would still think that it was fake. It was too bad that this thing got so seriously corroded by the merciless seawater.

Feeling frustrated, Chen Fan could only stand up and turn the wooden box over, giving it a good shake to empty everything that was inside. Other than the torn imperial robe and edict, there were some documents and books in the box. However, they turned into a pile of sludge with just a light touch.