At 12 Midnight

Money laundering. This was a game with the government. No comprehensive plan and various countermeasures; it was easy to fail.

But Chen Fan looked at the things written by these people online, and their way was clear and specific, as if by just doing what they wrote, a huge amount of property would be cleaned up right away. But he knew that if he did this, the difficulties would not be little.

In 1920, a Chicago Mafia financial expert bought a coin-operated washing machine, calculated the laundry revenue each night when, combined the money with the illegal income, and then reported and paid taxes.

After deducting the taxes, the illegally obtained money became his legal income, which was the earliest history of "money laundering."

Now the money laundering method has been developed into a variety of methods. It could be called money laundering even if a roadside kiosk could do the job!

But 500 million dollars...