To Miami In The United States

"That was during ancient times. How can there still be pirates now?" Yun Meng pouted.

"Have you not been studying?" Chen Fan raised his eyebrows before stroking the back of Yun Meng's head with his left hand. "Haven't you heard of the notorious Somali pirates?"

"No." Yun Meng's cheeks flushed suddenly. Although she had had close bodily contact with Chen Fan, it was only an accident and could not represent her normal state of mind.

"You gotta watch more TV. Don't just wallow in your studies, or else you'll turn into a nerd!" Chen Fan laughed.

After lunch, Chen Fan burped as he got Yun Meng to clear off the table and watch TV after that, instead of wallowing in her books, while he took the car out.

No matter how beautiful a city was, there was always illegal advertisements and vandalism. Although the government had been increasingly attacking this area in the last few years, there are still countless such advertisements sprouting up everywhere.