Oh My God! What A Big Officer!

The people who were in a panic were now completely shocked, and their expressions were as abundant as a face-changing opera, filled with shock, gratefulness, and adoration.

What does it mean to put a bear down with only one move?

Although the bears were tied with muzzles and paw covers, Chen Fan's bravery could not be denied. If a group of scared teenagers united and fought, they would be able to fight against even two gorillas. But no one had been willing to step forward. Everyone had just run away.

"This guy must be special forces! Really handsome," a little girl in a red coat said, thinking it was not loud enough, and raised her volume. "Cool, better than Donnie Zhang!"

"This guy looked like he was from the Shaolin temple!" A girl in a yellow dress next to him chattered. "Didn't you see that he just punched the bear, and the bear's eyes almost popped out? He must have practiced the tiger arhat fist!