Crude Oil Quotas

Was it not important to make an ecological environment in a cave? The key was to see if there was enough space in it and whether the living environment was good enough.

If possible, Chen Fan was prepared to control the electric eel, to have it go in and look around to see if it could find a place and make it its camp.

After all, today's technology was so advanced but an electric eel could only hide in the water, unable to experience the pleasure of moving ashore. However, wouldn't it be possible for the electric eel to come ashore if the space was large enough?

Of course, that depended on how much space there was. If it was small, then there wouldn't be enough room for the electric eel.

Determined, Chen Fan was ready to let the electric eel widen its path to the unknown space.

As for the unidentified creatures inside?

No matter how strong an ant is, it can't beat a dinosaur!