Baoxin Port

At 10 o'clock the next morning, Chen Fan got up and dressed in the black wind coat, and after washing, he went downstairs. Five tankers were now in the Zhongyun City's coastal area and were expected to enter the port in an hour.

The ships enter the port of Baoxin, which was directly connected to the port's oil pipeline and could pump crude oil directly into the refinery.

As soon as he got out of the gate, Chen Fan saw Wu Ruoyu was carrying two shopping bags in her hands, walking in his direction.

"Beauty, did you buy something nice to eat? Give me some!" Chen Fan, waiting for her to come near, reached out and gave a snap.

"Would you like some soap?" Wu Ruoyu smiled and gazed at the guy who was in her almost-boyfriend zone. "Where are you going dressed so formally today?"

"On a blind date!" said Chen Fan, pointing to the nearby Maybach.