Extreme Fear

Ten minutes later, inside the cabin.

The captain, Anna Maruyama, was crushed by a group of masked men armed with assault rifles that held a gun barrel to his head.

"Praise God!" A black man dressed in a brown coat came up, kicked Anna Maruyama's arms with the tip of his foot, and said in a tongue-twisting English accent, "In order to reduce your pain as soon as possible, I want you to give your boss' or your family's phone number to me."

"Otherwise, we will be so cruel that even the devil will tremble!"

"Why? Why didn't you hijack the first five tankers? The first five tankers were worth at least $100 million."

"Because the five oil tankers are handsome!" The black man in the brown coat showed his white teeth that were suitable for toothpaste advertisement. "I'll not charge you for this question," he said, "but from now on, every time you ask a question, I'll add on $100,000."