Fall From A High Position

"GO! GO! GO!" Several crew members on the ship's deck were constantly using hand signals to command two helicopters. When the helicopter dropped to its intended location, a special steel cable with thick wire was immediately attached to the underbelly of the helicopter.

Four large, heavyset young sailors climbed up and down for more than 20 minutes before they hung two cables on the submarine.

"Call command room. Hook up. Start large capstan to test hook strength."

Five seconds later, the machinery on the two ships began to roll slowly.

At this time, the steel cable, which had been hanging down, was becoming tighter and tighter. At the end of the day, it was humming with a vibrating sound, and the submarine was moving forward.

"Good strength!" Captain Kerwin nodded. "The torpedo tanks are pressurized at any time to attack, and the deck cranes are hoisted into the sea."
