Joy Surfeited Begets Sorrow

How should we describe their miserable luck?

Unbearable? It never rains but pours?

Not even two days into the official deployment of these two oil wells, and an unacceptable technical error had occurred..

For Platform 3, at least they could somewhat blame it on a major force, but what about Platform 5? They invested so much on the oil control valve, but they were told that the connector was loose, just like what would happen to an inferior toy!

This night was bound to be a sleepless one!

All people on the seven drilling well platforms woke up from their sweet dreams. The deep sea divers and technicians rushed to the heliport via the connecting bridges between the platforms. They quickly took off on the helicopter and headed toward the two problematic wells.

6 p.m. local time, Takeda Building, Shinjuku, Tokyo.