When Can The Oil Well Be Sealed?

The spill of crude oil was an event that all governments detested. This was a disaster that no one ever wanted to happen in their own territorial waters!

Not only was the viscous, crude oil difficult to clean, but the sea area that was covered by it also brought a complication that was capable of making zoologists jump to their deaths! This complication refers to the bundles of seaweed, coral reefs, seabirds and small fish that would inevitably die, due to toxic chemicals that are released by the crude oil, such as benzene and toluene. The great loss is difficult to be measured in terms of money, but it was known that it would undoubtedly deal with the fishing and tourism industries a devastating blow.

It only took a single day for the crude oil to spread over more than 10 square kilometers. Despite the efforts of the seven oil wells, which were stationed there by the Ohno group, it appeared to be useless.