Giant Gorillas Gone Wild

What if it had attacked using its two sharp, monstrous tusks? The deadliest organ of a carnivore is its mouth, and perhaps its claws, too.

A "green-faced tusk" was most appropriate to describe its appearance. It looked like it came from a mystical land, so Chen Fan decided to call it the Mystic Panther.

Within 30 seconds, this formidable Mystic Panther had beaten almost all the competitors. Only about 10 creatures managed to escape. The others were left wailing in a pool of blood. There were even a few who struggled forward a few extra meters, but still dropped dead from severe injuries.

Facing 27 giant gorillas alone, it still did not have a single strand of fear in its eyes, only limitless confidence and pride. On the contrary, the 27 giant gorillas had a strong spark in their eyes. Their dark bodies gathered closely around each other.