Let’s Get Ourselves an Island and Have Some Fun

"Test the water? Do you think that you are playing the slot machines?" Chen Fan smiled and said, "According to what I remember, the military usually orders finished goods. Do you think that they would want these?"

"The Material Reserve Bureau and the Supply Department are about the same. They are both owned by our party!" said Zhang Xueyang, while he was playing with the teacup in his hand. "The deputy minister is currently engaging in a research project in other places. It will take two days for him to get back. Then, when the time comes, we'll go to Tian Hai City together and talk to him about this."

"In that case, what's the rush in calling me here?"

"Of course, I had to inform you about this issue in advance!" said Zhang Xueyang, while showing a ridiculous expression to Chen Fan. "Rest assured, this is not a drug dealing business. There is no need to worry about this. Furthermore, I didn't even tell him the specific amount of palladium we have."