To The Bitter End with The Pirates

The voice of the man on the phone was very loud. Even Ma Rongtao, who was standing on the side, opened his eyes in a suspicious manner and listened.

"Somalian pirates?" Chen Fan quickly let the idea wander around in his mind.

Is it April Fool's today?

"Oh," Chen Fan said in his joking tone, "Hello, Mr. Pirate. Although I'm very reluctant, I have to say that I'm actually President Trump, so you've made the wrong call."

There was no sound on the other line for five to six seconds, then a string of familiar voices suddenly were heard.

"Boss, I'm Ren Jiang. This morning at 8:45, our ship in the Gulf of Aden was hijacked at thirty-seven nautical miles north of Gandala. The culprits arrived in three armed speed boats, carrying rockets and submachine guns. Then, we were loaded into the boat and brought to a small town in Gandara, Somalia..."