A Familiar Feeling

Just as Wu Ruoyu was about to say something, she realized that her throat felt strange, as if it was covered in honey. She could not utter a word. She repeatedly blinked her eyes, but even that could not hide the consternation and disbelief that was showing in them.

Surprise, surprise. Even with Wu Ruoyu's powerful thinking, she could not have expected this.

Wu Ruoyu really wanted to bite off a piece of flesh from Chen Fan's lips, but how could the well-prepared Chen Fan ever let her succeed in this?

With Chen Fan was kissing her, as if he was a wild boar eating corn, Wu Ruoyu couldn't figure out his kissing patterns. Even her attempts at ruthlessly biting Chen Fan were successfully evaded by him. He even somehow made it look as if she was aggressively responding to his kisses.