Could This Be Bought Wholesale?

It was four o'clock in the afternoon. The cloudy sky was darkening gradually. All of a sudden, the strong gusts of wind stilled, and it felt as if it was about to begin raining.

A bright yellow XCMG wheel loader roared past, splashing up the muddy water from a pothole. This sort of large wheel loader was usually used in mines to cart stones, or even utilized as a bulldozer, since it could easily demolish a house due to its huge amount of horsepower.

Only this one driver had been sent out this day. Rather than sending out a hundred people, just this one loader, with its beast-like level of expertise, was more than sufficient.

"XCMG, the perfect companion to your success!" The bald youth in the cab of the loader excitedly rubbed his bald head while he was driving the loader. He entered into the dock area, trespassing as if nobody was watching.