All-seeing Eye I

My name is Lixia. I'm ten years old and I'm in the fifth grade.

My family is different from others.

Other kids have parents to send them to and fro, but I go home from school alone every day.

Mom has been hospitalized and Dad has never told me what Mom is sick with.

Because of work, Dad was unable to take me to school or fetch me from it.

It has become a habit for me to visit my mom at the hospital after school.

Luckily, the hospital was just ten minutes away from my school.

I would do my work beside her bed and grab dinner from the canteen to accompany her.

Half a semester passed with me stuck in that routine.

Sometimes, during dinner time, a fat languid cat would roam into the room.

I would offer it some of my own food.

Mom would just keep quiet and request that I clean up the floor after.

This fat cat would let me stroke it a little after it's full.