The Value of Art I

I'm Chalk and I'm an artist.

I came from Dashan Village, where not many understood art.

I played with my companions a lot when I was young.

While they were busy playing in the mud, I was making shapes with it and was often made fun of by them.

Of course, I didn't mind.

When the village's volunteer teacher mentioned one day that fire can harden clay, I got excited.

After class, I brought my figurine to the teacher's house.

However, she only frowned upon seeing it.

Nevertheless, I asked happily, "This will crack when dried, Teacher. You said fire can harden it and not leave cracks. Is it true?"

She smiled. "How about you leave your figurine with me and you head home first? I'll settle it and bring it to you tomorrow."

"But I'd like to learn," I said.

Helpless, she responded, "It's time I give you extra classes. What is this ugly thing?"

"But that's you," I replied.