Rain Man (Part 2) I

"Go, she eats pretty fast," he urged me along.

I exited the loft and realized that I had no idea where the canteen was.

Thankfully, there were many doctors and nurses around so I was able to ask for directions along the way.

I arrived at the canteen and saw a petite figure queuing in front of a stall.

"Hey! Glad I caught you," I called out and ran to her side.

"Why are you looking for me? This canteen is for staff only. Patients and their family aren't allowed, don't you know?"

"But I am a staff!" I grinned.

"I don't believe you. I know everyone here except for you. You came in today. New recruits have to stay on and learn for some time before they can enter. This is only your first day so why are you in here?" she said with a pout.

"Look at my meal card! It's your turn soon, I'll swipe the card for you." I smiled at her and cut into the queue.

A doctor behind me tapped on my shoulder and said, "Sorry, no cutting of queue."