Rain Man (Part 3) III

"I do not wish to be interviewed. The hotel is in front, you say? Can you tell me the name of it?" I asked, pointing ahead.

"It's a 5-star hotel. You can't go in even if I tell you the room number. Plus, we're unsure. This is Beijing after all. Don't be so hostile toward us, Mr. Luqiao. We're not recording right now and are just asking out of curiosity. We saw you from afar, getting dragged out of the car by the driver," the reporter stated.

"So what?" I asked.

"Rest easy, sir. We're not recording your words. We're just curious, really."

I thought about ways to get them to reveal some information.

"How about we get into the car first? We can't stop here for too long," the cameraman suggested.

"Yeah, would you follow us so we can chat elsewhere? We can help you contact Xiaoyu," the reporter added.

The reporter slid the side door open before hopping onto the front seat. 

I entered the van and closed the door.