Your Family Name, My Name (Part 3) II

I felt Li DanFC carry me up and bring me back to my room.

I opened my eyes but I didn't dare to move.

Out of the corner of my eye, I spotted Yun Huan's room. The door was shut and judging from how loud he slammed it, he must've been really mad.

Li DanFC opened my door with one hand.

I closed my eyes again to prevent getting caught.

He took a few steps forward and placed me on the bed, before covering my body with a blanket.

I opened my eyes only after hearing the door close.

I sat up and reached for the table lamp.

All kinds of emotions hit me at once. 

What were they going to do to me at the end of the month?

According to their exchange, Yun Huan had already killed two people. He was likely going to get rid of me once I've served my purpose.

I should just mess up his plans to imitate me so that the people I know will definitely sense something unusual about him.

F*cking hell!