Mountain, Sea VII - Jiao Tu

"Is that really you, Pi?" a lady's voice drifted into my ears.

"I'm Goudan..." I answered.

"Hmm, Pi," she said as she went under my shirt.

"Goudan..." I insisted as I was getting squashed.

"Yeah, Pi," she continued, hugging me tightly.

Dan..." I trailed off as her knee pressed to a sensitive area of mine.

She cooed, "Yeah."


I don't know how much time has passed before she got up with my shirt.

I regained a bit of awareness but I was still paralyzed.

She spoke faintly, "I'll borrow your shit for a bit, Pi. I'll come back for you. Be good."

I then felt her pulling my pants down, leaving me in my underpants.

She put my pants on, went to the door, and knocked on it.

No response.

She grabbed the doorknob and clawed it with force.

Three deep scratches appeared on the door.

She shook the metal door, its lock was broken but it was still stuck.