The Book of Revelation

I started approaching the monkeys, but when I was about 15 meters away, three of them climbed down the tree and started running over, intimidating me with shrieks.

They reminded me of that particular monkey that trampled on my foot.

Just thinking about it made me ache so I retreated.

Upon seeing me withdraw, the monkeys opened up their arms and started to move toward me more slowly.

Their shrieks got louder and I was effectively frightened.

There really was no way for us to communicate and it was not like I was able to bite back.

What would I do if they attacked? 

I could only retreat further as they inched closer.

I understood that I had already revealed my limitations at the start.

If I hadn't allowed that monkey to step on me, I might've still been able to intimidate them.

I moved about 30 meters back and the three monkeys swayed crazily back to their tree.

They behaved as if they had just won a war.