Can’t Kill You with Slaps

Saturday morning.

Although he had been the last to sleep, Ling Yun was the first to wake. He did not disturb anyone else as he washed up quietly and made his way downstairs. Once again, he was on the field but this time, Ling Yun only tied weights to his legs without carrying sandbags. Yesterday's exercise was too eye-catching as it was shocking to see one carrying weights and sprinting without getting tired.

Ling Yun had come to realize the limitation of the normal human's ability to comprehend things and decided not to train in bright daylight. Hence, he was just going for a run to loosen his joints.

Of course, Ling Yun's main motive was to absorb the rays of the Sun, arriving before sunrise. This was done continuously to further improve the Dayan Great Stars Technique and to reach his body strengthening goals.