Million dollars worth of formalities!

Ling Yun was satisfied with Tang Meng's eagerness to see the eight digits he has been waiting for. Nodding his head, he took out many phone cards from the inner pocket of his shirt, making sure he handed Tang Meng the right one.

"Isn't this the…" Tang Meng was stunned. "Wait, how did you get all these?" Tang Meng could not believe his own eyes after seeing the digits of the phone cards that were for Ling Yun's family. They were all comparably cool and impressive as the one he will receive, if not more.

Ling Yun thought about what Xue Meining advised him when they parted, before putting his hand into his pocket again to retrieve the last phone card. That is exactly how life liked to make fun of people. To succeed only at the last and final attempt.

"Yup, this is right! 59888888! Take a look!" Ling Yun uttered as he handed it towards Tang Meng's direction. He was not confident his friend would not steal his number and leave.