Bringing You to See A Dragon!

Outside Savant's Restaurant, on the road.

It was only past 12 noon, but the sky was already darker than the evening dusk. The dark clouds looming in the sky came out of nowhere, resembling ink-soaked cotton balls stacking and clumping together. They were still clumping together, getting lower and lower as they gathered together!

It was as if the ink-soaked clouds had been summoned by some kind of mysterious force, stacking together and forming a huge black screen that loomed over the entire Qingshui City!

The peculiar thing was, this thick dark storm cloud seemed to be looming over Qingshui City only. Anyone on the tenth floor and above could see that the sky outside of Qingshui City was still bright as day. Some could even see the beautiful sunrays peeking through the edges of the big black screen that loomed over their city, illuminating the thinner white clouds on the sides in a nice rainbow color. What a beautiful sight!