The First Ambush!

"Ling Yun…"

The moment school ended, Xue Meining dashed out of class and ran like the wind as she rushed down the stairs. Her steps were light yet filled with vigor as she moved in the direction of Grade 12 Class 6. It was at the main corridor connecting the two education blocks that they came across one another.

"What food are you craving for tonight? Name it!" Ling Yun grinned as he asked Xue Meining.

Under the light of the setting sun, Ling Yun's clear eyes, his straight nose, and his sharp silhouette were further emphasized. In addition, the twilight shone on his lips and illuminated his beaming smile. Combined with his charming dimple, Xue Meining was stunned and temporarily speechless.

After a seemingly long pause, she finally regained her senses and flirtatiously hooked her arm around Ling Yun's arm as she stood beside him. She looked up at him and replied, "I'm not that hungry yet, how about going for some milk tea together?"