The Irreconcilability of Good and Evil

"Ximen Gang, from the Ximen Family!"

"Nangong Jian, from the Nangong Family!"

Two people flew to Ling Yun and blocked his path from the left and right. They lifted their heads and proudly announced their names.

"We've heard from Dugu Mo. You're Ling Yun, right? On account of your friendship with Dugu Mo, we won't make things difficult for you. However, as you can see, we're dealing with the giant python. If you're seeking treasures for yourself at this time, it seems as though you don't understand the rules of the martial arts realm."

Ximen Gang was clad in a white robe and held a half-meter-long fan in his hand. After he landed, he opened his fan to suavely fan himself in apparent seriousness. He swayed his head as he spoke.

Nangong Jian wore a green robe while holding an extremely narrow sharp longsword in his hand. He stood expressionless before Ling Yun and did not speak.