A World With Only You and Me

Lin Menghan's kiss didn't affect his actions. He carried Lin Menghan and walked out of the bar, all while enjoying the fragrant tongue of the goddess Lin Menghan.

"Wow! That must be damn enjoyable!" someone exclaimed.

"Sigh… She was his woman, we had no chance from the start…" someone commented regrettably.

"If we had taken more initiative and went up to that baby before that handsome guy came in, perhaps that person would be me now. I have never seen a beauty of this level in my history of being in the nightclub!" More regrets.

"Save it, didn't you see how strong that guy was? Before you can even penetrate that beauty, your 'third leg' would've been broken…" There were some rational people around.

"That guy is going to have a wonderful night tonight. So envious…"

Everyone in Qingshui City knew that Angel's Bar was the best place to find a one-night stand. Most people there were looking for prey.