Boiling With Passion, Planting Our National Flag!

Ling Yun was smiling at the bow of the ship, waving at the fast-approaching fishing boat. The battle didn't last long, but Ling Yun did use up a lot of energy. He definitely didn't want to swim back.

Ling Yun hopped over to the fishing boat with ease when it was less than a hundred meters away.

"Thank you!" Ling Yun said with a twinkle in his eyes.

"We should be the ones thanking you! No war-grade weapons killed you! You are godlike!" Yang Desheng, the captain of the fishing boat, exclaimed.

"Ah! You're bleeding!" Wang Zhongyi blurted out.

Ling Yun gave a calm smile. "Don't worry, this is the blood of the Japanese…"

"Awesome, really awesome. I have been fishing in this area for more than thirty years. I have never dared to dream that I could be so close to Turtle Island. I feel so fulfilled!"

Yang Desheng shouted in joy as the outline of Turtle Island entered his eyes!