Busy Ling Yun

Ling Yun held Yao Rou's tender waist and went downstairs only to find out that ⁠— in just a short while — Tang Meng and Tie Xiaohu had vanished from sight and were no longer in the clinic.

"These two kids are looking for trouble, what if my clinic gets attacked…" Ling Yun lamented with an overcast face.

"Who would dare attack it?" Yao Rou laughed tenderly.

She was right. Judging simply by the Land Rover and the large Mercedes-Benz parked at the entrance of the Ordinary People's Clinic, no one would dare intrude on the territory ⁠— unless they were blind.

Ling Yun took out his cell phone and called Tang Meng. "Where have you two gone? Get your a**es back her." They had just deliberately ruined his business, and the score wasn't settled yet.

"I'll be back in a minute." Tang Meng hung up the phone as soon as he finished the sentence.