Sitting on Tenterhooks

Taking out his phone to look at the display, Ling Yun realized that Liu Li was the one who was calling. Smiling slightly, he answered the call immediately.

"Brother, what… what have you been up to?" Liu Li didn't expect her call to finally go through. Remaining silent at first, her voice was overwhelmed with an ambiguous sense of joy and emotion… as well as a tinge of anxiety.

"What can a high schooler like me be busy with? Sister Liu, how are you doing lately? What's up?"

Ling Yun didn't think too much about it. He was direct and to-the-point as he dove straight into the main topic. Since Liu Li was looking for him, there must have been something important she wanted to talk about.


Liu Li's heart wavered, and she was just about to say that there was nothing important. However, her words didn't match her thoughts as she replied, "My belly hasn't been feeling well these days, and I wanted to ask if you could take a look at it…"